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(2024). Machine Learning Robustness: A Primer. Chapter in Book: Trustworthy AI in Medical imaging, Elservier.

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(2023). An Intentional Forgetting-Driven Self-Healing Method For Deep Reinforcement Learning Systems. In ASE'23.

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(2023). Robustness assessment of hyperspectral image CNNs using metamorphic testing. In IST.

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(2022). SmOOD: Smoothness-based Out-of-Distribution Detection Approach for Surrogate Neural Networks in Aircraft Design. In ASE'22.

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(2022). Physics-Guided Adversarial Machine Learning for Aircraft Systems Simulation. In Transactions on Reliability.

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(2022). DiverGet: A Search-Based Software Testing Approach for Deep Neural Network Quantization Assessment. In EMSE.

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(2022). Testing Feedforward Neural Networks Training Programs. In TOSEM.

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(2021). Faults in Deep Reinforcement Learning Programs: a Taxonomy and a Detection Approach. In Autom Softw Eng.

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(2021). Automatic Fault Detection for Deep Learning Programs Using Graph Transformations. In TOSEM.

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(2020). Models of Computational Profiles to Study the Likelihood of DNN Metamorphic Test Cases. In iMLSE'20.

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(2020). The Scent of Deep Learning Code: An Empirical Study. In MSR'20.

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(2020). On Testing Machine Learning Programs. In JSS.

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(2018). The Open-Closed Principle of Modern Machine Learning Frameworks'. In MSR'18.

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(2018). Improved Algorithm for Hyperspectral Image Classification. In J. of Electronic Imaging.

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